By TNK aka Tiffany ViSionIstA Kress
I Believe we create our own MaGiC in LiFe.
I Believe we create ourselves by our BEliEfs.
I Believe we create our LiVes by what we VaLuE.
I Believe we come to VaLuE what we think will give us LoVe yet I believe LoVe is an internal well of ABunDance that ComEs from within.
I BeLieve we can only give LoVe to another after we already have LoVe for ourselves.
I Believe change is AweSome and if we FlOw with it, it will AlLow the unimaginable 2 flow in2 our LiVes.
I Believe that we are GreAt SouLs, and we should honor our essence.
I Believe what we SEEK 2 Give in LiFe will be GIVEN 2 us.
I Believe we should embrace our ImaGinAtIoNs more than we EmBraCe the FacTs.
I BeliEVe we are authors, painters, story-tellers, dancers, lovers, creators, leaders of our DeStInIes.
I BeLiEVe if we seek to empower others, we will become empowered.
I BeliEve if we seek 2 be the best that we can be for the WhOLe, we will become whole.
I Believe that children are some of the wisest people on this earth before they are domesticated.
I BeLieVe we learn 2 value the people in our lives who love us with the most genuine, unconditional LoVe when we actually LeArn 2 truly LoVe ourselves.
I Believe that what we choose in LiFe also chooses us, and when we run the ground feels our beat and anticipates our next step.
I Believe we should surround OurSelVes with people who InSpiRe us to live more PaSsIonAtely.
I Believe Motivation is short lived, but PassIon lights a FiRe that takes our StrenGth HigheR.
I Believe we make a difference in this WoRLd by simply being a LoVing ForCe for all the people who surround us.
I BeLieve when we lose the Ego we Gain the WorLd.
I BeLieVe that what You BeLieVe will come true for you.
I BeLieVe that when we have GoldeN EyEs we SeE GolDen LiVes.
I BeLieve it is through out HeaRt that we have Sight & it is through our LiVes that we create new heights.
I BeLieve that your InTenTions become what is intended for you.
I BeLieve we are an expression and you ShouLd ExPress your LiFe Fully.
I BeLieve our LiveS are like painting a MasTerPieCe, that when we paint with passion it's evident in our work. And when we paint with love it's evident in our shades. And when we paint with one-of-a-kindness it sells like nothing has ever been sold before. And when we paint with gratitude the work tends to be gracious unto us. And when we paint all we do is express what we FEEL.
I BeLiEve I have been BleSsed, and I'm blessed to have BeLieVed.
I Believe LoVe is the way. LoVe has always been the way, and LoVe will AlWays be the WaY.
I Believe LoVe is the only thing that can bring this WorLd to it's knees, and that LoVe is the only thing that will help this WoRLd rise off of it's Knees.
I BeLieVe… oh, yes I do.